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David Vallejo

Analytics Engineer with a knack for building (debugging) tools.

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  • 14th Sep 2024 ā†’ Analytics Pioneers SummitDE
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šŸŒŸ Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol

Learn all about the meaning of Google Analytics payload parameters and how the protocol works.

  • Published on

    When we use Google Ad Manager, the ads are served using an iframe, which makes it somewhat challenging if we want to track the impressions in another tool, such as Google Analytics 4. This is why, on this occasion, I’ll be sharing a library to programmatically track our ad impressions and clicks. For this task…

  • Published on

    Deciphering User Engagement Measurement in Google Analytics 4 One of the most notorius changes in Google Analytics 4 was the removal of the Bounce Rate Metric in benefit of the Engaged Sessions / Engagement Time. ( yes, I know they ended bringing it back with some slight differences ). First one will define if the…

  • Published on

    I’m the last year I didn’t have many time to work on this blog, mostly because I’ve been focusing on my other side projects on my “free” time. Since I started with this blog some many years ago, my top 1 rule has been not writing about what others have already written, so I’ve been…

  • Published on

    Hi, tomorrow 1st of July is the day when Universal Analytics is being sunsetted for all free account users, 360 accounts will enjoy of an extra year for dealing with the full migration . On 26th June, Google luckily announced the official Google Analytics 4 support for AMP pages. Which makes me really happy since…

  • Published on

    It took almost 9 months, but it’s finally here. The new Analytics Debugger Extension (Formerly GTM/GA Debugger) hit the 2.0.0 milestone. It’s been a full rewrite of the code, mainly to make it fully compliance with the new MV3, but at the same time it’s internal functionality has been improved. Now all the components are…