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David Vallejo

Analytics Engineer with a knack for building (debugging) tools.

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🌟 Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol

Learn all about the meaning of Google Analytics payload parameters and how the protocol works.

  • Published on

    It took me almost a year ( once again ) to have a new version, but this time I did the things properly, I’ve restarted the tool totally from scratch, I re-did the dev environment, I re-coded the detections code, I changed the CSS Framework, I updated the JS backend. There have been hundreds of…

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    This weekend I was doing a, long-due, room cleanup and I found buried in the bottom of a drawer an old hard I was using some years ago. Within it’s content I found one folder named “WIP” ( Work In Progress ) and there I found some experiments, tools and proof of concepts I was…

  • Published on

    If I were asked about some missing feature on Google Analytics 4 ( a.k.a. APP+WEB, New Web Analytics ), I would say it would be the lack of the customTask functionality that my friend Simo has leveraged in the last years. Sadly at the moment there’s nothing similar available ( I really hope to have…

  • Published on

    Some years ago I wrote a post about how to Track html5 videos which has been widely used and copied around the web. 2 years ago I wrote a total new tracking code , which I never publicly released. Today I’m releasing a total new refactored code, for tracking HTML Media Elements. This means tracking…

  • Published on

    I must admit it, I like to use data-attributes for user clicks interactions rather than delegating that work on the IT team or relying on the class/id attributes. ( Data Attributes Tracking ) . For Universal Analytics, this was some kind of easy work, since we had some fixed data attributes names (category, action, label,…

  • Published on

    It’s been a long time since the last post, even more since the last extension update. To be exact it took me around 1 year to have this new version ready. The main reason for this delay was that I switched how the extension is built at least 5 times. I don’t consider myself a…

  • Published on

    I know this is just currently a draft but being it available on Chrome, Edge and Opera ( or any chrome based browser ) make this really usefull in my opinion. In those browsers, there’s a API that allows to get the details about the current connection of the current user. We cab query some…

  • Published on

    The Google Analytics Measurement Protocol allows users and developers to make HTTP requests directly to Google Analytics endpoint in order to measure how users interact from any enviroment/platform. Since Google announced the new APP+WEB Properties back in summer, we noticed that the &v parameter that used to hold a fixed 1 value turned to be…