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David Vallejo

Analytics Engineer with a knack for building (debugging) tools.

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  • 14th Sep 2024 β†’ Analytics Pioneers SummitDE
  • 21th Sep 2024 β†’ Measurecamp LondonUK
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  • 27th Jan 2025 β†’ SuperWeekHU

🌟 Google Analytics 4 Measurement Protocol

Learn all about the meaning of Google Analytics payload parameters and how the protocol works.

  • Published on

    It’s been half a year since I released my Android Debugger during the Super Week Punchcard Prize contest. Today it’s a big day for the family, and most logic next step on this travel, I’m adding support for iOS devices. This tool is offered “as is” and for free. While you won’t have to pay…

  • Published on

    Back in time, I remember relying on jQuery for all the custom event tracking on my client websites, it was really great since it was covering the support for IE8, IE9. Since jQuery dropped the support for the older browser versions, the point of using it for the clicks / interactions tracking has lost most…

  • Published on

    I’m really obsessed with performance, while I may not be the best on that task I’m a real tryhard on that topic, at least up to where my knowledge allows me. And this said, I really miss the Site Speed Report on Google Analytics 4. This is why I replicated the current metrics and logic…

  • Published on

    One of the most notorious misses on Google Analytics 4. Is the lack of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Pages tracking support. While this may not be an issue for many sites, there’re some website types that really need this support (like media sites or magazines). That’s why I decided to investigate the possibilities of <amp-analytics>…

  • Published on

    When Google Announced Google Analytics 4, I started to work on this library, with the main aim to be used as a customTask. Now the current deadline is 1 year-ish for all free Universal Analytics users and 3 extra months ( thanks? ) for paid users. In my very humble opinion, this is very short…

  • Published on

    I must admit it, I miss the flexibility the customTasks give to Universal Analytics, and I really hope someone takes a step forward at some point by adding that feature to Google Analytics 4. In the meanwhile, I was in the need of doing parallel tracking, ie: sending the data to two different Measurement IDs…

  • Published on

    At his point, many ( if not all ) have heard Google Analytics is moving to an “events” based tracking model with Google Analytics 4. But, what does it really imply? Do we have to worry about it?. To be honest, it’s not a big ( from the implementation side ) deal since we have…

  • Published on

    Now that Universal Analytics deprecation has been officially announced, it’s time to start writtingsome technical posts about how things works on Google Analytics 4. First one, is going to be about how Cross Domain Tracking works, ( not only for GA4 but also for any GTAG.JS based tool ). Back in time (about three years…