Google Tag Manager Custom Template - Yandex Metrica
It's been a while since my last post ( Shame on me!) , but the new Custom Templates feature has been a great addition to Google Tag Manager the last week.
If you don't know what the Custom Templates are, please do yourself a favor and read Simo Ahava's great guide on them.
I've been playing the last days with this new feature, trying to build a more complex template, so I decided to try to implement a full Yandex Metrica Custom Template for Google Tag Manager.
What's supported:
Method ( track types )
- Init
- Outbound links ( Fields: URL )
- File Downloads ( Fields: URL , Referrer )
- Reach Goals ( Fields: Target, Order Price, Currency )
- Hit ( Fields: URL, Referrer, Title )
- User Id ( Fields: User Id )
- Session Pameters ( Fields : Parameters Map )
- User Parameters ( Fields : Parameters Map )
- Not Bounces
Tracking features supported on the tracker:
- Enabling/Disabling default Data Sending ( default pageview, useful for SPA Sites )
- Enabling Hash Tracking
- Disabling sending pages to Yandex Index
- Loading the Script library from the alternative CDN
- Enabling/Disabling Accurate Track Bounce tracking
- Enabling/Disabling Click Maps tracking
- Enabling/Disabling Track Links ( including extensions personalization)
- Enabling/Disabling Webvisor
- Enabling Disabling the Debugging Cookie
- Ecommerce Tracking ( data layer variable name can be personalized )
I've included some advanced features ( I'm new to Yandex Metrica, so I had no time to properly test them yet )
- Debug Mode can be enabled from Init Tag without the need of setting up a QueryString parameter
Upcoming features
- Callbacks support
- Code improvements/comments
You can get the template from the following URL:
ChangeLog 14 June 2019
- Fixed Ecommerce Setup . It was not being initilized.
- Minor UI Reorganization
- Added Session Parameters Tracking
- Added User Parameters Tracking
- Added userID Tracking
- Added not-Bounce Tracking
- Fixed Debug being reset on after init methods

Waiting for your feedback and request :)